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Georeferenced phylogeny of all sampled Phlyctinus populations, based on the complete mitogenome. Tools used: phytools, ggtree (R), QGIS, Adobe Illustrator.

Georeferenced phylogeny of all sampled Phlyctinus populations, based on the complete mitogenome. Tools used: phytools, ggtree (R), QGIS, Adobe Illustrator.

Some context

Phlyctinus weevils ?

South Africa’s agricultural industry has a bug problem. Phytophagous weevils belonging to the entimine genus Phlyctinus have recently ( < 200 years ago) undergone partial shifts from their ancestral Asteraceae host plants to cultivated crops, damaging orchards and vineyards at unprecedented scales.

Phlyctinus weevils cause millions of dollars of damage each year, yet they remain poorly understood. These invasion-prone curculionidae used to be lumped into one species, P. callosus, and it is only through recent systematic work that new species could be identified and described. Further, these problematic host shifts have occured at the level of lineages, and not whole species. While previous work has contributed important new insights into Phlyctinus diversity, precise characterization of pest lineages is crucial to design effective biocontrol strategies.

This project aims to assess the taxonomic level of host-shifted and non-shifted lineages in South Africa’s two most problematic Phlyctinus species, **and search for common signatures of adaptation following parallel host shifts.

Project outline

Research questions:

What is the taxonomic status of the multiple P. callosus and P. xerophilus lineages present in the Cape Floristic Region ? Can genome scans reveal signatures of adaptation following host-plan shifts ?

Whole-genome resequencing of 44 Phlyctinus individuals

Downstream analyses

Population structure analysis in  (preliminary)

Population structure analysis in sNMF (preliminary)

Phlyctinus callosus (top) and Phlyctinus xerophilus (bottom).
© Julien Haran

Phlyctinus callosus (top) and Phlyctinus xerophilus (bottom). © Julien Haran


Main findings:

Phlyctinus photographs courtesy of:

Banner | © Julien Haran Right-hand side | Haran, J. M., Hansen, S., Benoit, L., & Addison, P. (2020). Description of five new species in the genus Phlyctinus Schoenherr (Coleoptera, Curculionidae): a first step in deciphering the P. callosus complex. European Journal of Taxonomy, 669.